Finding just a couple of long mom son porn videos wasn’t going to cut it. I needed to go the extra mile. My cock also needed the full treatment as well. Would I be happy with what I got? Well, I guess part of me would be, but the other part of me would be sad that it didn’t get what it was asking for. I just needed to stick to my plan, even if that plan wasn’t working so far.
It turns out my worry was for nothing. I found Princess Kristi in Baby Making Practice With Mommy and wow, it was something else. I don’t mind a bit of practice myself. It prepares you for the real thing and it also makes you better in the process. Now I just have to relax while mommy does her thing. I really feel as if I should join in, but at the moment I am just doing what she tells me to do. It will be my turn soon enough and that is when I plan on showing mommy my unconditional love.
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